
+32 476 999 421

+33 6 23 15 03 21


Our addresses

61 Avenue de l'Université 1050 Brussels

141 Avenue F. Roosevelt 1050 Brussels

+32 476 999 421

+33 6 23 15 03 21


Shiatsu & Voice : voice therapy with Bart Dierick

Voice Therapy & Shiatsu with Bart Dierick in Brussels

Liberate your conditionned stress through Voice Therapy

Relax and revitalise mind & body through Shiatsu

How does your real voice sounds like?
How can I feel what I experience in my body?

During this course we will learn and practice vocal massage as well as movement and breathing techniques. The goal is to place the voice entirely within the body.

Learn to feel the vibration of your voice in your body. Release blockages using the voice on your own body and that of the other person. We start with basic techniques, voice massages using the meridians and tsubo’s, and breathing techniques. We can feel our voice of the body, first in one space, then all over the body. Then we can connect our Voice in our Hara (belly). To be in connection with what you feel within yourself.

We will discover the healing Voice through Shiatsu treatments and we will feel the vibration of Voicework into the organs, as to become aware of tensions and then release them through exalhation. Deep relaxation follows spontaneously.

“By working with Voice, my body opens into what is most essential, thus allowing me to evacuate ‘what is no longer myself’ by unraveling frozen emotions, fears and anchored conditionings, decrystallizing the mind control; in order to find and merge in peace and love-essence with that which I before could not express and recognize in the light of consciousness” J.

Vocal work can be applied in your personal development, in your therapeutic/shiatsu/body therapy work, in coaching, acting, singing, and all this in individual as well as group settings.
Individual coaching afterwards is possible, depending on the desired practice application.

Practical information:

Bart Dierick welcomes you to his Shiatsu & Voice liberation !

Date : Friday evening 19 and Saturday 20 September 2025
Timing : Friday evening 6:30 till 9:30 pm & Saturday 10 am till 5 pm

Address : 141 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 1050 Ixelles Brussels
Next to the entrance of the Hippodrome de Boitsfort & the forest de Soignes
Language : English and French
Price : 160 euros


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