
+32 476 999 421

+33 6 23 15 03 21


Our addresses

61 Avenue de l'Université 1050 Brussels

141 Avenue F. Roosevelt 1050 Brussels

+32 476 999 421

+33 6 23 15 03 21


Silent retreat with Bart Dierick

Silence retreat in a beautiful mansion
surrounded by nature, in Naninne 5100 Belgium

A retreat filled with beauty and openness to Internal Happiness.

Finding the Joy of Inner Silence

We follow the rythm of the season.

Silence allows us to feel what nature offers us.

Through the practice of stretchings and breathing exercices, the mental body calms down and we reconnect with our physical body.

Bart offers you  a weekend of meditation and rejuvenation in a place where Silence reigns. We practice The Walking Meditation and the Vipassana discipline, as well as beautiful slow & silent group walks.

I will accompany you during the two deep and relaxing yoga sessions each day.

The delicious meals are shared in group or on individual basis as preferred, in silence, with attention to gentleness and kindness.

Bart has lived more than ten years in Asia. In Thailand he was a Theravvada Buddhist monk, in Japan he practiced Aikido, Zen meditation and became Reiki master under guidance of Mrs Yabuki. He lived more then 4 years in India, fulfilled several pelgrimages and lived in many ashrams. Bart made an overland pilgrimage from India to Egypt, to link East and West. After years of spiritual research he founded the O-KI center in Brussels in 1998, which he has managed ever since. He continues to remain open to a truer life, linked to inner silence and the connection of Heaven and Earth.

In the program:

Practice silence to become the (inner) silence: stop being attached to the word, open to the Joyful Silence of your inner Being

You can, if you want, leave your laptop with Bart at the beginning of the retreat. Avoid using it as much as possible. On the other hand, every day there will be a moment to consult your phone if you wish.

Wake up gently from 8 to 9 a.m. with a gentle yoga session. We will mostly practice slow stretches to open up the energy in the morning meridians. Breakfast from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.: we eat in the joy of the moment, we observe nature, and help out in the kitchen for a while. Session from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Meditation through very slow movements, stretching, conscious and slow yoga. Thus we get rid of thoughts and attachment (Terravada-vipassana).

Lunch from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. You have the choice to eat in group or to find your own space to eat alone. We eat slowly while observing our own thoughts and the present moment. The beautiful nature around us inspires us. After lunch we help out in the kitchen for a while.

Break from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.: break and moment of – speaking in positivism – , at the swimming pool.

Session from 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.: Meditation in silence, slow walk in beautiful nature to soothe the mental rhythm and in the opening of the senses and silence. Stretching and breathing exercises in nature, and stretching to open the energy in the meridians in the afternoon. Walking Meditation (Terravada-vipassana).
Pauze from 6 pm and Evening meal at 7 pm, we eat slowly in the joy of the moment. We clear the table and spend some time in the kitchen together.

Protection Exercises 8-9pm: Time for nature observation, energy protection exercises, and energy opening in the evening and night meridians.
From 10 pm we rest quietly in one of the beautiful rooms of the manor.
Changes are possible according to the needs of the group & the weather.

In practice

Silent Retreat with Bart Dierick :

Dates : Weekend 9-10-11 November 2024
Timing: Starting Saturday from 11 am , till Monday till 5 pm

Price : 430 euros all inclusive in a double room. Single room at 520€.
Includes very delicious and healthy meals & stay in beautiful rooms !

Address: in a beautiful 18th century mansion with lots of charm, completely renovated and with all comfort.
The manor is located in 5100 Naninne (Belgium), about ten minutes by car from Namur on the plateau overlooking the Meuse valley. It is surrounded by several meadows and large forests. It includes a large park, a large swimming pool and a small private wood. It has only one neighbor who raises horses. The surrounding nature is grandiose, many paths crisscross the region offering the leisure of great rejuvenating walks. There are many possibilities for visits in the neighboring villages, several of which are among the most beautiful villages in Wallonia, such as Mozet, Thon-Samson, Crupet, Falaën.

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