
+32 476 999 421

+33 6 23 15 03 21


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61 Avenue de l'Université 1050 Brussels

141 Avenue F. Roosevelt 1050 Brussels

+32 476 999 421

+33 6 23 15 03 21


Merkaba Meditation training course with Bart Dierick

Merkaba Meditation in Belgium with Bart Dierick, since 2002.

During this workshop we will meditate, use visualizations and sensing, and work with the sacred geometry, the Fibonacci sequence, the golden ratio, gandharva tonalities, the connection between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and quantum consciousness.

The Merkaba is an energetic field that moves at a very high speed and promotes your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual development.

In this workshop we will feel that our body still bears the memory of the Merkaba field that surrounds it and that can reach a diameter of 18 metres.  We can reactivate this field by strengthening the lower chakras, deep grounding, the application of the sacred geometry, and the opening of the heart chakra.  We will follow the practice of the 17 Merkaba breathing techniques according to the tradition of Drunvalo Melchisedek.

Sacred geometry is a geometry of feeling and a universal language that awakens old ancestral knowledge in us.  It allows us to understand and integrate the wisdom of lost civilizations, the nature of colour and sound, the functioning of  living nature and of all other dimensions.

The practice of Merkaba thus accelerates our evolutionary process.  It gives us the possibility to stay centred during big changes in our lives.  Through Merkaba we can use our mind to enjoy creative feeling by replacing restrictive or destructive thoughts and thinking patterns.


  • Mental silence
  • Sensing the vibrating energetic field
  • Reinforcing your grounding
  • Centering your body around its central axis
  • Allowing “Being” to descend into the physical body
  • Receiving pure energy and learning to recharge
  • Closing energetic leaks
  • Understanding the true vision and the importance of the pineal gland
  • Allowing the full manifestation of your soul’s energy
  • Finding the spontaneous opening of the heart chakra through grounding
  • Expanding the Merkaba field
  • Letting go of your personal conditioned habits and bringing your soul’s energy at the foreground of your Life
  • Experiencing the activated Merkaba field

The benefits of Merkaba Meditation are felt in many ways. By strengthening the contact with your soul, you become more relaxed in life, till a physical level you will find your immunity getting stronger. Through the practice of conscious breathing you strengthen a more peaceful digestion. You will have more mental relaxation and therefore more constructive thoughts. When you are more aware of your central axis, therefore you’ll be more centered and grounded. Through Merbab practice you are more in touch with your Heart, more grounded in inner security, and therefore more open to a life guided by your inner source of Love. In short, you reinforce the basis of your very existence in this eartly dimension.

Merkaba in Brussels

Spring Workshop 2025    Merkaba 1 in Brussels :
Date: Friday 2 & Saturday 3 May 2025
Time : Friday 6:30 pm to 9 pm & Saturday 9:30 am to 4(30) pm
Price : 140 euros
Address : Avenue F.Roosevelt 1050 Ixelles Brussels
With : Bart Dierick

Happy Morning Practive Merkaba 1 :
Date: Sunday 4 May 2025
Time : Sunday 10 am to 12 am
Price : 20 euros
Address : Avenue F.Roosevelt 1050 Ixelles Brussels
With : Bart Dierick

Bart Dierick has reactivated the Merkaba with Maurice Eeraerts (Belgium and Egypt) and Drunvalo Melchisedek (Canada, USA).  Bart has been practicing the Merkaba since 2002.
Bart had numerous energetic experiences; in the desert of Arizona, in India, Egypt, Iran and Australia, in the Pyramids of Egypt, as a sanyasin in some ashrams in India, in Germany at the Waldorf Hogeschüle, as a Buddhist Therravada monk in Thailand, on several active vulcanoes, and during his adventurous stay in Tibet.

Bart is Reikimaster, trained by Mrs Yabuki in Japan. Bart organizes yearly energetic yoga retreat in India. Meditation and working within electro-magnetic fields is a daily practice. Bart dedicates his life to the teaching and coaching of people. He invites you to realize your potential through the reactivation of the electromagnetic Merkaba field !

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