1) Training in Yoga and Body Consciousness:
– Yoga, the correct posture, asana’s, sensing the force due to a liberated diaphragm. Energetic activation of the glands and the throath-chacra. Development of the “Chi-belt” and the use of controlled hara-force in your daily life.
– The Bandha’s (keys) : opening and closing the 3 Bandha’s in the spine. Sensing support. Mula Bandha, Uddyana Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha, Bandha Treya, Bandha Treya Mahamudra. We experience a ‘new body’ : spontaneous flux of energy through the meridians and the whole body.
– Yoga for the eyes. Yoga for the back.
– Meditation (Dhyana Yoga) and peace of mind. Guided meditation.
– Deep rest: during the Sarvasana-fases we experience a deep innen peace, innen connections and contact with the consciousness of the cells in the body.
Through this course you receive all the necessities to realize your own energetic force.
2) Ayurvedic course:
– The 5 Kosha, the 3 Guna’s, the Ayurvedic pharmacy.
– The 3 life – energies: data, pitta, kapha.
– To become couscous of your own constitution, the personal niet and dauly exercices.
– Enjoy the delicious organic meals. A warm and particulary nurturing encounter!
3) Study of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and their evolutionary vision. The spiritual evolution of men is linked with the physical body. The cellular transformation. How to open oneself for a wider consciousness, and how to integrate this consciousness in the body.
4) Training in Pranayama and Yoga:
Pranayama, the Complete Respiration, Ujjayi Pranayama, Bastrika, Bramhari, Bastrika Sanmukhi Mudra, Visualisation-pranayama, Anuloma Viloma, Kapalabhati, Ohmkara Pranayama. These specific techniques are your personal way to build up a direct and unlimited acces to Prana: pure life-energy.
Change voluntarily your breathing rhythm to a slow and deep rhythm, and your emotional and mental condition will change accordingly. You become more centered and conscious of your real needs. We also learn to keep this new breathing rhythm in daily life, as to continue this state of mind. We learn to become conscious of our unconscious habits and reactions, not through psychological analysis but through spontaneous awareness following yogic breathing. Then we can feel who we really are and decide freely to become the person we like to be. A conscious yoga respirational discipline activates all your hidden talents and possibilities.
5) Training in Meditation and Concentration:
– Daily meditation and explanation.
– After permission, visit and meditation at the MahaSamadhi of Sri Aurobindo.
– After permission, visit and concentration in the MatriMandir.
With Bart Dierck, already 28 years on the path towards Sri Aurobindo’ s Consciousness.